SERCYPAA Bidding Process

The Advisory Council shall have the sole authority in choosing the Conference sites. Formal, walk-‐-in,
and token bids (see below description) will be accepted Saturday morning of the Conference. In the
event that no city presents a bid, or the Host Committee foresees the failure of the Conference, an
emergency meeting of the Council members shall be called without delay. All past and present Council
members will be invited to attend to find a suitable site for the Conference or determine if the
Conference should be suspended and determine the subsequent fate of the Council and its functions.
● A formal bid meets all bidding requirements.
● A walk-in bid is a spontaneous bid with little or no previous preparation.
● A token bid is a practice presentation for feedback and guidance to better enable the
bidder with insights for preparing future bids.
Any of the above may be considered for hosting the next Conference.
Requirements for a Formal Bid
Ten (10) Bid Books with the following information must be submitted no later than 7pm the
Thursday night of Conference. Committees should submit electronic copies via email at to the Advisory Council one week prior to the beginning of the

A. A concise statement illustrating the needs and hopes for the Conference in your area
as you interpret them.

B. Three (3) AA members under forty (40) years of age with one (1) year or more of
sobriety (List names and sobriety dates) to represent the bidding city.

C. Create a roster of committee members, current position- if any, and sobriety date.

D. Contracts from at least two (2) hotels, if possible, including the proposed dates and
times of the Conference, showing availability of meeting spaces in the hotel, and proof
whether the hotels require a minimum amount of room nights booked.

E. A calendar showing that the Committee will not schedule the Conference within a (30)
day period before or after any large scale state or area AA event.

F. Provide detailed financial records from all committee activities. (i.e. financial statement,
event breakdowns and income vs expense report)

G. An agreement that the bidding city, if awarded the Conference, will turn over all proceeds
from the Conference after expenses, to the Advisory Council. This should be done no later
than sixty (60) days after the close of Conference.

H. Present a detailed proposed conference budget, based on the budget template provided
by Advisory Council.

I. A detailed Pre-Registration Flier.

J. A letter agreeing that if the Conference is awarded to the bidding city, they will familiarize
themselves with and abide by all Advisory Council Bylaws, rules and procedures. These
documents can be found on

During the Conference’s ‘Bid Sessions’ each bidding city will be allotted a maximum of fifteen
(15) minutes for presentations with an additional 5-10 minutes of questions and answers with
the the Advisory Council to follow.

Updated 7/21/2023